Saturday, December 21, 2019

Affordable Family Law Cases, Is it Possible? Our NEW Maverick Paralegal Services!

NEW!!!! Only in California, we will be offering the most cost effective services utilizing our lowest pricing and costs where we can offer  paralegal technology, under attorney supervision, as at least 75% of litigants in California today, are forced to represent themselves.  This will enable clients who might not be able to afford full legal services, to still obtain document prep and limited help, but not actual courtroom appearances. This is strictly by choice, by the clients themselves.

Legal "leaps" will always require help--don't fail or falter                     because you didn't know how                                                         to obtain the correct help!! 

 We expect to be able to cover family law, some civil cases, cross over cases, higher end small claims and possibly contested evictions.  Additionally, attorney is well versed in animal law cases, having done such cases in both State and Federal Courts (Sacramento, San Diego, Hollywood, Denver, CO, etc.)
 One of the only ways to be able to do this, is to perform tasks and oversee cases related to paralegal type work which do not require court hearings, traveling, and having to communicate with opposing attorneys. Attorney can do regular legal work of course, but we are attempting to also provide services to those who do not need 100% complete legal services [in other words, the case would not require court litigation to extent of needing a full time attorney on the case..}

Even if helping self represented clients to properly understand the law so that their documents are done properly is better than never getting any help, or just guessing? Many people do lose their cases not so much because of what they did, but because of how they positioned their documents for the court. Judges do not have huge amounts of hours to spend on each case, and most pro se clients have seen this.

Perhaps if you know you have a good case,  you really need help in the document and documentation area. Don't wait too long, try and get help ASAP. You may only be doing "documents" but why lose when perhaps you could have won, had you known what you really should be doing or should have done?  We have done many cases and helped people get what they need!