Saturday, May 8, 2021


Sometimes we find that certain cases are fairly egregious--meaning that they are bad and worse, and even with several years or many months of waiting and litigation, there is just no good ending?

However, in a recent case, not only was there a great ending, custody (physical) and full LEGAL custody of the minor child was changed from one parent to the other under fairly bad circumstances, and only after both the county and other government agencies decided that the PARENT who had actual physical custody...should likely NOT maintain that custody?

Most of us realize that certain parents are not good parents....and even if given many chances, some parents simply ruin their own kids' lives? Thankfully, in this case, the governnmental agencies got to the bottom of what was actually transpiring, and recommended that the child be moved from the custodial parent, and placed with either family members, or similar? After this occurred, the custodial parent sill did not parent the child effectively, and subjected the child to numerous situations which included living in a place with no electricity, no water, no electrical power, etc. Of course, this is not legal. Instead of getting help, that parent did not rectify the situation.
Often in a case such as this, CPS is forced to take action, obviously. However, if other family members are available, the child can be moved out of the bad situation and be adequately placed with family rather than foster care. When an errant parent then hires an attorney to defend bad behavior, it goes without saying that such tactics are not only wrong, but will likely result in more harm to the child.

Such was the recent case we just saw, but thanks to the cooperation of the family members, and Judge realizing the child should be placed elsewhere, custody (legal/physical) was given to the other parent, with very minimal visitation rights to the former custodial parent!! This is a sad but true one likes to see children harmed. In this case with a happy ending, at least one child was saved from further abuse and lack of care from his or her own parent!