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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Dissomaster- Determine Your Support or use DCSS Calculator Online

Image result for photos paying child support


This program  is not free to use, you have to pay a fee.....   Attorney does use this service  to have support calculated and finds that it is just as accurate as the Dissomaster done in the Courtroom.

  We have found it to be as reliable as the court calculates it, so therefore, it's worth it to have it done, because we feel it saves time and money. 

OR-- You can go online to the CA DCSS calculator: https://childsupport.ca.gov/calculate-child-support/ 

 [This is free to use and will generally be in the ballpark if you know the data needed and IF you actually calculate it correctly.................] 

.....AND-- here is the PDF with instructions just in case you want to read it and use it:  https://childsupport.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/252/Misc./Calculator-User-Guide-1.pdf

The Dissomaster program itself,  is an expensive program that many attorneys pay for yearly. Attorney only works part time and has no need to spend funds for the Dissomaster program on a weekly or daily basis, so even if you are doing your own case, this service (the fee based calculator) can still help you and normally they allow you to have X number of revisions within a certain time frame.

There is only so much one can do when it comes to calculating support. A self employed parent may end up paying less support due to the way the taxes are calculated. However, one should consult a tax professional ahead of time to figure out if your own business can help you save on taxes or support!]  If in fact, you have a former spouse that is hiding income, you will have your work cut out for you. That is never an easy job.

Some cases cannot be won no matter what, whereas other cases can be, but they will take time. Still other cases involve so much past garbage, that the garbage has to be reduced to get a good result.
Having done this type of work for so long, attorney understands what people want. And most of them want to win the case, while others just want some changes.

Knowing the Dissomaster down to a science is not actually required, if you can pay someone to do it correctly? Just sayin'!!!